DoubleStream, IntStream and LongStream are variants of Stream class. They specialize in operating on primitive wrapper classes. In this tutorial, I'm gonna demonstrate some methods that are distinct from Stream class.
Lots of the methods of these classes have closely equivalent versions to Stream class methods like
This method returns the arithmetic mean of elements of this stream, or an empty optional if this stream is empty. This is a terminal operation. This method is present in DoubleStream, IntStream and LongStream.
This example demonstrate average() in DoubleStream that returns an OptionalDouble.
Returns a Stream consisting of the elements of this stream, each boxed to a specified type. This is an intermediate operation. This method is present in DoubleStream, IntStream and LongStream.
This example demonstrates boxed() method in LongStream that returns Stream<Long>.
This method returns an object-valued Stream consisting of the results of applying the given function to the elements of this stream. This is an intermediate operation.
For example,
This example demonstrates
Returns a sequential ordered IntStream or LongStream starting from the first parameter(inclusive) to second parameter(exclusive) by an incremental step of 1. This method is not present in DoubleStream.
This example demonstrates range() method that returns an IntStream.
Returns a sequential ordered IntStream or LongStream starting from the first parameter(inclusive) to second parameter(inclusive) by an incremental step of 1. This method is not present in DoubleStream.
This example demonstrates rangeClosed() method that returns an IntStream.
Returns the sum of elements in this stream. This method is present in DoubleStream, IntStream and LongStream.
This example demonstrates sum() that returns a double-type value.
Returns a statistics describing various summary data about the elements of this stream. This method is present in IntStream, DoubleStream and LongStream and returns IntSummaryStatistics, LongSummaryStatistics and DoubleSummaryStatistics respectively.
This example demonstrates summaryStatistics() that returns an IntSummaryStatistics.
DoubleStream, IntStream and LongStream
DoubleStream, IntStream and LongStream are variants of Stream class. They specialize in operating on primitive wrapper classes. In this tutorial, I'm gonna demonstrate some methods that are distinct from Stream class.
Lots of the methods of these classes have closely equivalent versions to Stream class methods like
, map()
, flatMap()
and many more. I won't explain these method because I already explained them in this article. You may wanna read that article first before reading this tutorial.
average() Method
This method returns the arithmetic mean of elements of this stream, or an empty optional if this stream is empty. This is a terminal operation. This method is present in DoubleStream, IntStream and LongStream.
This example demonstrate average() in DoubleStream that returns an OptionalDouble.
import; import java.util.OptionalDouble; public class SampleClass{ public static void main(String[] args){ Stream<Double> numbers = Stream.of(3.5,4.4,1.75,5.55); OptionalDouble avg = numbers .mapToDouble((e) -> e) .average(); if(avg.isPresent()) System.out.println("Average: " + avg.getAsDouble()); else System.out.println("Result is empty!"); } } Result Average: 3.8
boxed() Method
Returns a Stream consisting of the elements of this stream, each boxed to a specified type. This is an intermediate operation. This method is present in DoubleStream, IntStream and LongStream.
This example demonstrates boxed() method in LongStream that returns Stream<Long>.
import; import; public class SampleClass{ public static void main(String[] args){ Stream<Long> numbers = Stream.of(3L,4L,1L,5L); Long result = numbers .mapToLong((v) -> v*v) .boxed() .collect( Collectors .summingLong((v) -> v+v)); System.out.println(result); } } Result 102
mapToObj() Method and its Variants
This method returns an object-valued Stream consisting of the results of applying the given function to the elements of this stream. This is an intermediate operation.
is present in DoubleStream, IntStream and LongStream. Other variants like mapToInt()
, mapToDouble()
and others are present if necessary in DoubleStream, IntStream and LongStream.
For example,
is present in DoubleStream and IntStream but not present in LongStream. Moreover, These variants are present in the Stream class.
This example demonstrates
import; import; public class SampleClass{ public static void main(String[] args){ Stream<Long> numbers = Stream.of(3L,4L,1L,5L); Long result = numbers .mapToLong((v) -> v*v) .mapToObj((v) -> v+2) .collect( Collectors .summingLong((v) -> v+v)); System.out.println(result); } } Result 118
range() Method
Returns a sequential ordered IntStream or LongStream starting from the first parameter(inclusive) to second parameter(exclusive) by an incremental step of 1. This method is not present in DoubleStream.
This example demonstrates range() method that returns an IntStream.
import; public class SampleClass{ public static void main(String[] args){ IntStream.range(3,9) .boxed() .forEach((v) -> System.out.print(v + " ")); } } Result 3 4 5 6 7 8
rangeClosed() Method
Returns a sequential ordered IntStream or LongStream starting from the first parameter(inclusive) to second parameter(inclusive) by an incremental step of 1. This method is not present in DoubleStream.
This example demonstrates rangeClosed() method that returns an IntStream.
import; public class SampleClass{ public static void main(String[] args){ IntStream.rangeClosed(3,9) .boxed() .forEach((v) -> System.out.print(v + " ")); } } Result 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
sum() Method
Returns the sum of elements in this stream. This method is present in DoubleStream, IntStream and LongStream.
This example demonstrates sum() that returns a double-type value.
import; public class SampleClass{ public static void main(String[] args){ Stream<Double> numbers = Stream.of(3.5,4.5,5.5,2.5); double result = numbers .mapToDouble(v -> v+v) .sum(); System.out.println(result); } } Result 32.0
summaryStatistics() Method
Returns a statistics describing various summary data about the elements of this stream. This method is present in IntStream, DoubleStream and LongStream and returns IntSummaryStatistics, LongSummaryStatistics and DoubleSummaryStatistics respectively.
This example demonstrates summaryStatistics() that returns an IntSummaryStatistics.
import; import; import java.util.IntSummaryStatistics; public class SampleClass{ public static void main(String[] args){ Stream<Integer> numbers = Stream.of(3,4,5,2); IntSummaryStatistics result = numbers .mapToInt(v -> v+v) .summaryStatistics(); System.out.println(result); } } Result IntSummaryStatistics {count=4, sum=28, min=4, average=7.00000, max=10}
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